We Help Ambitious Clients Achieve Groundbreaking Outcomes

We harness the power of technology and data to drive, monitor and grow businesses. Offering superior consulting services including corporate advisory, due diligence, program management and network planning, our extensive knowledge and experience stems from expert training and major technology consulting engagements across Southeast Asia.

Specialized consultants for the technology and telecommunications sectors

With a service methodology centred on achieving specific business outcomes, our unique approach is driven backwards. This means our proposed strategies will deliver the greatest impact for businesses.

Our Approach

We create meaningful strategies with a unique approach dedicated to business outcomes and success.

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Our Experience

Working with key players across Southeast Asia, we’re the leading technology consultants for both the private and public sectors.

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Strive For More

From providing initial advisory presentations to helping you execute key processes that improve your business, our comprehensive suite of consulting services will transform the way you perform and operate.


Price Controls or Free Market?

Hexa’s Ikhram Merican discusses with Dr. Carmelo Ferlito of the Center for Market Education, the merits of market driven pricing

Our Latest Insights

As demonstrated thought leaders in the technology and telecommunications sectors, we can’t wait to share our latest insights and findings with you.

  • Unde esse et qui totam

    Et error esse nulla dolore. Suscipit dolorem iure fugit facilis error Magnam…

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  • Quis voluptas debitis vel harum

    Modi facilis sint ut aspernatur veniam est sed. Ducimus consequatur voluptatem et.…

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What can we help you achieve?

Whether you’re looking for expert advice with strategy development, execution and operations or need data-driven support for efficient network planning, our consulting services prioritise your success. Using a collaborative, comprehensive and impact-focused approach, we help companies create meaningful strategies for improved processes.


Discover the latest trends and insights

Made up of a team of revered experts offering unique insights and analysis, HexaConsult is uniquely placed to offer thorough articles and opinion pieces on the latest trends and market shifts. Check out our blog by clicking here.